Tuesday, May 6, 2008

If the shoe fits...

I remembered during my first pregnancy, I had a major wardrobe disaster...well, it's more like a shoes disaster.

My feet suddenly seemed to have grown overnight during my 2nd trimester, and all my shoes didn't fit at all. My pumps, my strappy sandals, even my sneakers!

I woke up one morning to go to work, and couldn't fit into any of my shoes. And guess what, I wore my hubby's slippers to work that day! How embarrassing...

After work, I went to get a pair of shoes and to my horror, my shoe size went up 2 sizes. Not so much of the length, but the width of it. I knew about the feet getting bigger during pregnancy due to the relaxation of the ligaments, but up 2 sizes is something I had not expected.

And the thing is, my feet never really got back to the original size, which means some of my favourite shoes will never fit again.

So in preparation for this pregnancy, I looked for shoes or sandals that are wider in width or those with an "open" design.

And through experience and research, here are some tips to getting shoes that you will look great and find comfort in during your pregnancy:

1. Heels
Pregnant women are warned against wearing heels, as the heels might cause instability and backache.

Well, of course, don't do heels the whole day. You can wear them for a couple of hours for work, or for an evening out.

However, do look out for the following:
  • Heels no higher than 2 inches
Anything higher than that would cause a strain to your back, with that full belly.
  • Heels that are chunky
Chunky heels are more sturdy and provide a better pivot on the ground as you walk.
Skip the stilettos for the time being. I have seen and known personally of some nasty accidents of pregnant women falling while wearing stilettos, regardless how careful they are.

Chunky heels actually looked very elegant when paired with trousers or for that casual chic when worn with jeans.

2. Straps
Instead of getting your feet wrapped up in pumps or sneakers, and prevent your feet to "breathe" (pregnant women tend to get smelly feet due to the release of more perspiration from the body), try shoes with straps. This type of shoes are definitely more "airy" to wear.

However, do look out for straps that are cut too narrow at the front of the feet (that's where your feet will expand during pregnancy) and that might cause discomfort as you walk.

3. Flats
Flats are the best type of shoes recommended for pregnant women. If you are wearing flats, you can make the wearing more comfortable by putting in a gel in-sole. This provides a cooling effect, and it provides better support as you walk, especially now with the extra weight.

Ballet flats are one of the most comfy shoes I found when i was pregnant. They are stretchable to accommodate my growing feet, and they are so soft and light to wear. And they looked great with most of the dresses and skirts.

4. Wedges/Espridrilles
I love my espridrilles. They are usually made of crochet lace, so comfy to wear and the base is very stable. And they looked so feminine. However, I must say that the angle of the base is not very comfy to wear during pregnancy. Same with my wedges. If you really want to wear these, make sure you get a pair that the angle is not too steep.

Shoes are an investment, especially those that look great and most importantly are comfortable to wear and give enough support. Since you will have to walk, walk in style and in comfort!


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